How to Choose an SEO Company

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As a premier Australian SEO Agency, we have had the privilege of partnering with over 100 businesses across various niches. Through our decade of experience, we've recognised that each company possesses unique requirements and aspirations. This insight forms the cornerstone of our guide on how to choose an SEO company.

Considering a recent study indicating that over 90% of online experiences begin with a search engine, it’s no wonder why many businesses seek to optimise their website for maximum visibility and engagement. 

Read below and we'll guide you through how to choose an SEO agency or how to choose an SEO company that can significantly improve your online presence, ensuring you make an informed choice tailored to your business's unique needs.


Step 1: Assess Your SEO Needs

Different businesses require different SEO strategies. It’s not one-size-fits-all. Here’s how you can start:

If your business targets a local audience, a Specialised Local SEO helps your business appear in local search results. E.g., local shops, restaurants, tradies, and healthcare providers.

Think about where your customers are. If you want to attract people in your area, local SEO is where you should focus.

On the other hand, if are you selling products or services to other businesses, B2B SEO is more applicable as it's more about building relationships and credibility. Keywords here are often more specific and technical. Understand who your business clients are. Tailor your SEO to meet their specific search habits.

For businesses that run an online shop, E-commerce SEO makes your products more visible in search engine results. This means better product descriptions, user-friendly site navigation, and correctly optimised architecture. Your goal? To be the first option when customers are ready to buy.

Lastly, if your company is large and more complex, Enterprise SEO handles the scale and complexity of big websites.

Remember, the right SEO approach can transform your business. It’s about being visible to the right people at the right time.


Step 2: Familiarise Yourself with SEO

SEO agencies usually talk about their plans after they first check your website. So, it's important to know some SEO basics yourself.


This way, you won't get lost in complicated terms. It's like having a map in a new city. You might not know every street, but you'll understand how to get to the main places.


Knowing what SEO entails can help you make informed decisions. Here's a breakdown of the core services a competent SEO partner will offer:


  • Keyword Research: Keywords are the foundation of SEO. Agencies identify the terms your target audience uses when searching online. This step ensures your content matches what people are looking for.
  • Content Creation: Quality content attracts and engages visitors. SEO agencies produce content that's not only interesting but also optimised for search engines. This includes well-honed commercial intent landing pages, blog posts, articles, and website content.
  • On-Page SEO: This involves optimising individual web pages to rank higher. It includes optimising title tags, content, and images. Each page must be tailored to specific keywords and search intent.
  • Off-Page SEO: Off-page SEO focuses on external factors. This includes building backlinks from reputable sites. It's about improving your site's reputation and authority.
  • Technical SEO: Technical SEO ensures your website is structured well for search engine crawlers. At Marketix Digital we have this what we call C.R.I.C.S Framework, which ensures that the website is perfectly structured for search engine crawlers.
  • Analytics: Tracking your SEO performance is very important. Agencies use analytics to monitor traffic, rankings, and engagement. This data helps tweak strategies for better results.


Note: The first two steps are very important; we don't recommend searching for an SEO agency right away if you haven't clarified your own SEO needs and understood the basics of SEO. Without this foundation, you risk choosing an agency that may not align with your business objectives.


Assuming you're familiar with the initial steps, let's proceed with the next step.


Step 3: Research Potential SEO Agencies

After equipping yourself with SEO knowledge and assessing your needs, it's time to find the right agency. Here's how to conduct thorough research:




Start with the agency's reputation. Look for reviews and testimonials. What do other businesses say? A reputable agency often has a trail of satisfied clients.


Achieved Results


Success stories are your best clues. Ask for case studies. These should showcase significant improvements in rankings and traffic.


Real numbers offer proof of effectiveness. An agency proud of its work will happily share these successes. You should also check what they’re saying, vs actual results.




SEO pricing varies widely. Understand what you're paying for. SEO agencies like us offer tailored pricing, while others offer packages.


Don't mistake low cost for value. Quality SEO is an investment. Consider your budget but also think about the return on investment (ROI).


Custom Strategies


Your business is unique. Your SEO strategy should be too.


A good agency listens first, then strategises. They should be asking questions about your business, not just selling a service.


Tailored strategies mean they’re paying attention to your specific needs.


Communication and Reporting


Clear communication is key. How will the agency keep you informed? Regular updates and reports should be part of their service.


You need to understand what’s happening behind the scenes. A transparent agency will demystify SEO for you, turning complex data into actionable insights.


SEO Practices


The methods used matter. Stick to agencies that practice white-hat SEO. These are ethical, search engine-approved techniques. Black-hat methods can offer quick wins but risk severe penalties. Ask about their approach and ensure it aligns with search engine guidelines.


Additional Services


SEO often intertwines with other digital marketing strategies. Does the agency also handle social media, email marketing, or PPC? Integrated marketing efforts can amplify your SEO results.


Consider agencies that offer a broader range of services for a comprehensive approach.


Industry Experience


Familiarity with your sector can be advantageous. Agencies experienced in your niche understand the competition. They know what works and what doesn’t. However, don’t rule out eager newcomers. Fresh eyes can bring innovative solutions.


Once you've thoroughly researched potential SEO agencies, create a list consisting of the SEO agencies you've picked. Then proceed with the next step "Reaching Out".


Step 4: Reaching Out


Now that you've done your homework, and put together your brief for an SEO agency, it's time to initiate contact. This step is about gathering proposals and seeing who can walk the talk. Here's how to go about it:


Ask for Proposals or a Free Website Audit.


Contact the agencies on your shortlist. Request detailed proposals. These should outline their strategies, timelines, and pricing. Proposals give you a glimpse into their approach and commitment.


Some agencies like us (Marketix Digital) offer an initial website audit and consultation. This is a valuable starting point. An audit can highlight your website's SEO strengths and weaknesses.


It's advisable to reach out to these agencies first. A free audit can provide insights even if you don't end up hiring them. This could be your opportunity to see where your site stands, with no obligation.


Step 5: Sorting & Evaluating Proposals


Once you receive proposals, assess them carefully. Look for:


Clarity: Is the proposal easy to understand? It should be clear and direct.

Strategy: Does it outline a custom strategy tailored to your business? Generic strategies are a red flag.

Metrics: What key performance indicators (KPIs) will they focus on? Ensure these align with your goals.

Budget: Is the pricing transparent? There should be a good balance between cost and the value provided.


After reviewing the proposals, shortlist the agencies that impressed you the most. Consider their approach, the potential ROI, and how well they seem to understand your business.


Set up meetings with the shortlisted agencies. This could be face-to-face, a video call, or a phone conversation. Use this as an opportunity to ask more questions. It's also a chance to gauge the chemistry. Can you see them as a long-term partner?


Final Step: Making Your Choice


After these discussions, reflect on which agency you trust the most.


Who has the best understanding of your business? Who presented the most compelling strategy and demonstrated specific examples? This decision is about more than just SEO.


It's about choosing a partner that aligns with your business values and goals.


Red Flags to Watch Out for When Choosing an SEO Company

When selecting an SEO company, vigilance is key. Certain practices and promises may sound appealing but are clear indicators of potential issues down the line. Here's what to watch out for:


Promises of Exact Results


SEO is inherently unpredictable. Search engines constantly update their algorithms. Any company promising specific rankings or traffic numbers is overstepping.


Real SEO experts will talk about improvement strategies, not guarantees.


Why It’s a Red Flag: SEO doesn’t offer instant, guaranteed results. It’s about continuous improvement and adaptation.


Setting Unreasonable Expectations


Be wary of lofty promises. Claims of getting you to the top of search results overnight are unrealistic. SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires patience and consistent effort.


Why It’s Unrealistic: Quick fixes in SEO often involve dubious practices. These can harm your site's reputation in the long run.


Low-Quality Work at a Very Affordable Price


While budget-friendly options are attractive, extremely low prices can be a sign of low-quality work. SEO involves a lot of time and expertise. Unrealistically low prices might mean the agency uses black-hat techniques or outsources work to unreliable sources. This sort of low-quality work can and does result in Google penalties.


Why It Matters: Low-quality SEO can do more harm than good. It might save money in the short term but can damage your online presence over time.


Final Thoughts from Marketix Digital


Quality in SEO isn't just about achieving high rankings; it involves a deep understanding of your business, conducting thorough research, developing custom strategies, and making ongoing adjustments based on real-world results.


When considering SEO partners, it’s essential to choose a company that doesn't just offer services but is willing to become a partner in your growth.


They should be transparent, offering clear explanations of their strategies and how they measure success. Any hesitancy to disclose methods or overly secretive practices should raise immediate concerns.


Keep in mind: Transparency is not just a virtue but a necessity for building trust and achieving long-term success.


The investment in SEO should be seen as exactly that—an investment. Opting for the cheapest option might seem appealing in the short term, but it’s the value that drives growth.


The right SEO agency understands the importance of aligning its efforts with your business objectives, ensuring every dollar spent maximises your return on investment.

Get in touch with Marketix Digital today to take the first step towards improving your business's SEO.