Blog posts about SEO in Australia, and SEO Research.

  • If you're not familiar with what an effective SEO brief for your SEO agency should contain, you've come to the right place. We've put together this mini-guide to help you get a head start on writing the perfect SEO brief for your business.

  • Search engines help us find information with ease, but how is this relevant to your TikTok posts?


    Well, turns out TikTok posts can be optimized for search engines to get a better reach and increase visibility of your content. This means there’s a lot that you can do to boost your TikTok profile, whether you’re an independent creator or a small business, or a large corporation!

  • It’s been 6 weeks since the lockdowns were announced in Australia (Week of 29 March 2020); and we have seen a massive transition in the way that we live our lives, the way that we go about our business, and also consider what the future holds for us.


    In this research, we look at the Google search data for different tradies and explore trends across a 6-week period since the lockdowns were announced; and also compare the search data trends to last year.


    Dig in!

  • I know a lot of you tradies are concerned and worried about your futures - and how you’re going to get through this period, so I wanted to put together some research based on real Google data to help you guys out.