So you’re looking to venture out and Start Your Own Tradie Business?
Being self-employed and running your own business has many perks, unique challenges and will give you financial freedom; most importantly, it gives you the freedom to make your own choices and be your own boss.
Is it worth it? Totally.
In this Guide, we will show you how to get your Trades Business Started in 4 Steps, read on for more.
It goes without saying - if you haven’t had enough experience dealing with complex problems and being fully competent at delivering great work, you shouldn’t be starting your own business.
Generally, you should be consistently thinking “I can do this better” than whoever you are working for at the moment – That’s a great leading indicator that it’s time for you to branch out, and now it’s the right time to take this opportunity seriously, and start your own tradie business.
What tools will you need to deliver your work to an impeccable standard, have you built up and acquired everything that you will need in your physical tool chest?
Is there equipment that you desperately need in order to be able to do your trade?
It’s time to take stock and brainstorm everything that may come up from a jobs perspective and think about what you will physically need.
You might also find that for more (costly) specialist tools that you can hire the necessary equipment from a specialist supplier, or another tradie – This can then be added to your total Bill of Materials for each job and the cost absorbed by your client.
From an accounting perspective; this is looking at your Capital Expenditure vs Operational Expenditure and is something you get start to get very familiar with.
You need to figure out how much capital (cash or loan) you will need to get your business started, and off the ground - it will form part of your business plan.
There’s really three parts to this; you need to have a business plan, you need to be able to have a clear view of what your profit or margins are per job, and have a solid marketing plan so that you can obtain the clients/customers/work to make your business sustainable and support you (and any future employees or contractors you will more than likely have).
In your business plan, you need to be able to answer the following areas:
What is your value proposition?
What is it that you do really well and which services will you offer?
Who are you competing against in your market?
Which areas or regions will you service?
How do you differentiate yourself against your competitors?
How much revenue and profit do you need to make?
How many jobs will you need in order to hit revenue?
How will you get more work and market yourself efficiently?
Are you 100% proficient at marketing, do you have the time, or do you need help from an expert partner?
With so much competition and other tradies that have had their well-established tradie businesses running for 20-30 years, how are you going to get your first clients and customers?
Then how are you going to keep a consistent flow of customers flowing that will allow you to not only sustain yourself, but make your business profitable and worthwhile?
You could do what most tradies do and put an ad in the Yellow Pages, put a finger to the air, hope for the best, and fail (many do by taking this approach) – or you could be smart about it, be successful, outrank your competitors, and really think about how you’re going to acquire customers FAST and grow your business.
Research has shown time and time again that online marketing is not only the most effective way to advertise, but also the most cost effective and efficient. There’s a whole bunch of statistics that support Online Marketing for Tradies available here.
Marketing 101 tells us that in order to get customers, you need to be advertising where your customers are actively searching for your services – which is online, on Google - which means you need to get a high-converting website for tradies.
No where else will you be able to determine if someone is searching for a “plumber in Sydney” and be able to deliver your services to them in real-time.
This form of advertising is super effective, because you’re only paying to show ads to customers that are actively searching for your service, (and if done correctly) your service area.
If you want to learn more about the ins and outs of running Google Adwords for your business - check out this awesome article, Google Adwords for Tradies.
We have also put together a super in-depth article on marketing for tradies.
By working with Marketix, you know that you’re working with an Australian business that has multiple heads that it can apply to the solution, people that have been living the Google Adwords platform for many years, that know how to solve problems for you and can dedicate time to optimising and managing your Google Adwords Campaigns.
Working with Marketix allows you to get more leads, gain more customers and build your business whilst reducing your cost, saving you time, and taking away the pain of doing it all by yourself.
You shouldn't have to do it alone.
Google processes over 40,000 individual searches, every single second, in Australia.
The top 5% of businesses in your industry are already using Google to be at the top of the page.
The challenge for small tradie businesses is that it's complicated to do by yourself, it’s a complex bidding platform, to make ads to show at the top of Google results;
You have to learn how to use the platform, you have to know the tricks and secrets, you have to learn how to compete and market yourself, you have to know what is effective, and how to control spend without it blowing out of control.
We fix that problem for our extremely happy customers, we provide a fully managed service that makes it super easy for our clients to achieve great results for a fixed monthly cost.
Our clients don’t need to worry about Google, we set it up for you, we run it for you, and we continuously optimise and manage it for you.
We are getting awesome results for our existing customers, and the proof is that we generate hundreds of leads for our clients, every single day.
What we will discuss:
· Your current monthly revenue and marketing
· The golden revenue you want to get to
· Marketing ideas on how you can achieve your goals
· Put together an expert marketing plan
By the end of this call you will have a clear picture of what to do next to accelerate your business.
Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to talk to an expert. Get in touch below.