Sydney, Australia, NSW 2137

 SEO Agency Australia

Marketix is a premier, award-winning SEO Agency in Australia, and we provide Data-Driven & Proven Search Engine Optimisation Services that get results!


 Rank #1 for Your Keywords

 Generate Organic Sales, Leads, and Enquiries

 Regain Your Lost Traffic from Competition


Are you tired of losing customers to your competitors? Do you want to improve your organic traffic sales?

Are you finished working with cowboys?


Our 3 part SEO framework has generated millions of dollars in revenue for services and eCommerce businesses.

SEO Agency in Sydney

We are the #1 SEO Agency in Australia

As Featured In The Media...

An Overview - What We Do At Marketix Digital

Google SEO Services that will Grow your Business

If you're an Australian business looking to make a significant impact in your industry, the importance of exceptional SEO simply can't be overstated. Based in Sydney, Marketix Digital is your trusted partner for all things related to search engine optimisation. We specialise in propelling businesses to new heights in the competitive digital landscape. By crafting a well-thought-out strategy, we aim to drive consistent, high-quality traffic to your website—potential customers who are already in "hunt mode" and prepared to make a purchase. We fully recognise the risk of being left behind in today's rapidly evolving online marketplace. That's precisely why our comprehensive suite of SEO services is designed to improve not just your search rankings but also to significantly enhance your online visibility.

Our approach to SEO is hands-on and tailored to your business. Leveraging white-hat SEO techniques, we create bespoke strategies that begin to deliver improved performance, rankings, and organic traffic within the first three months of our partnership. Our team of seasoned SEO experts works closely with each client, conducting thorough keyword research, on-page optimisation, high-quality content creation, and ethical link-building. Rest assured, our methods are far from the dodgy, spammy techniques that can harm your site; we focus solely on proven, top-of-the-class practices that organically increase your website's visibility.

Our credibility isn't solely theoretical; it's built on a proven track record of working with industry giants such as Commonwealth Bank, QBE, Hyundai, and Woolworths Group. However, our mission is clear and focused: to empower everyday Australian businesses like yours to grow and thrive. We specifically target "money keywords," which might be difficult to rank for but offer a substantial return on investment for your business. Full transparency is the cornerstone of our client relationships. You'll have complete access to your account, and our pricing model is straightforward, with no hidden surprises. If we find that we can't assist your business, we'll let you know upfront, saving you both time and resources in your journey towards business growth.


So, why continue losing potential customers to your competitors? Marketix provides proven SEO strategies that yield more sales and customers in less time than any other SEO company in Australia. To embark on this journey of business transformation, you can request an SEO Competitive Audit and Report that is tailor-made to identify growth opportunities specific to your business. Your customers are waiting for the excellent service they expect, and it's high time you delivered. Contact Marketix for a Free Proposal or SEO Roadmap today, and let's start a conversation that could redefine your business.

SEO agency Sydney

Google SEO Services for Businesses in Australia

Our Most Popular Google SEO Services

SEO PPC Keyword Research

Keyword Research

We meticulously research keywords relevant to your business, focusing on keyword intent such as commercial, informational, transactional, and navigational. Our aim is to target keywords that are not only high in search volume but also intent-specific to ensure conversions.

Free Marketing Audit

Technical SEO Audit

Our legendary technical SEO audits are designed to uncover what's holding your website back from achieving higher rankings. Looking at any SEO errors, we offer solutions, and ensure that Google is able to Crawl, Render and Index your website..

Email Marketing

Content Marketing

We craft tailored content strategies that map out your sales cycle from top to bottom of the funnel. Our objective is to create compelling content that educates, engages, and eventually converts your audience into paying customers.


Competitive Analysis

We perform an in-depth analysis of your top-ranking competitors and use this information to inform your SEO strategy. Understanding the competitive landscape allows us to build a plan that positions you ahead in the market.


Link Acquisition

Employing only white-hat techniques, we focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks from real websites that generate genuine traffic. Our outreach efforts are aimed at creating valuable, long-lasting relationships that contribute to your site's authority.

SEO PPC Reporting and Analysis

SEO Analytics & Reporting

We delve deep into data analytics, examining key performance indicators to evaluate the success of your SEO campaigns. This enables us to refine your strategy for continued improvement.

We Are Technical SEO Specialists in Australia

Our Specialist SEO Services

Traffic Loss Audits

Experiencing a sudden drop in website traffic can be alarming. Our Traffic Loss Audits are designed to diagnose the causes behind any unexplained decreases.


We examine everything from Google algorithm updates to on-site issues to technical issues, providing actionable recommendations to recover and even boost your traffic levels.

Penalty Recovery

If your website has been hit by a Google penalty, it can severely impact your search rankings and organic traffic.


Our Penalty Recovery service is tailored to identify the root cause of the penalty, be it toxic backlinks or content issues, and to take corrective actions that not only recover your lost rankings but also fortify your site against future penalties.

Website Migration

Migrating a website can be a complex and risky process if not done correctly, often resulting in lost traffic and rankings.


Our Website Migration service ensures a smooth transition to your new website, taking into account SEO best practices, to maintain (or even improve) your search engine performance during and after the migration.

SEO Agency In Sydney

SEO Australia

Whether you're an e-commerce dynamo in Sydney or a tech startup in Melbourne, our cutting-edge SEO services are your gateway to elevating your online presence, boosting website traffic, cultivating high-value leads, and generating customer inquiries from across the country.


From boutique businesses in Brisbane to nationwide enterprises in Perth, we excel at crafting intricately researched, data-driven strategies meticulously designed to meet your unique requirements.



Video: How to Grow your Australian Business with our SEO Agency Precision.

How our SEO process works Step-by-Step

Our SEO Process

Reach Out

1. Reach Out

The first step in our SEO journey begins when you reach out to us. During this initial contact, we focus on understanding your business objectives and goals. This helps us tailor a strategy that aligns perfectly with what you're aiming to achieve.


SEO Consultation & Discovery

2. SEO Consultation and Discovery

Once we have a grasp of your objectives, we conduct an SEO Consultation and Discovery session. We speak with your team to uncover your most valuable keywords, untapped SEO opportunities, and any relevant history in SEO efforts. We lay the groundwork for an informed and effective strategy here.

SEO Competitive Research

3. SEO Competitive Research

We dive into the competitive landscape by mapping out key competitors for your specific product and service lines. Using reverse engineering on Google's Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), we determine an action plan designed to give you a competitive edge.

SEO Strategy Formulation

4. SEO Strategy Formulation

Armed with insights from the discovery and competitive research stages, we collaborate with your team to formulate a go-to-market plan for your SEO campaign. This encompasses technical architecture, a content plan, and backlink requirements, all aimed at elevating your website's ranking on search engines.

We Meet

5. We Meet to Share Our Findings

Once the strategy is in place, we schedule a meeting to walk you through our comprehensive findings and proposed action plans. We model out the projected opportunities and set key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the campaign's success.

Start Your SEO Campaign

6. We Start Your SEO Campaign

With everything set, we kick off your SEO campaign. Our focus now shifts to execution and performance monitoring, implementing the tailored strategies that will move the needle on your organic website performance.

Our Reputation

Why Choose Us?

SEO Specialists

Exclusive SEO Specialists

Our team is composed exclusively of seasoned SEO specialists. You won't find junior staff working on your campaigns. We breathe SEO every single day, and we're not distracted by other digital stuff like social media.


Led by our founder, a technical SEO expert with over 20 years of experience, we've created a high-performance SEO environment that aims for continuous 1% improvement every day.

Transparent Weekly Reporting

Unparalleled Transparency with Weekly Reporting

While many agencies provide only monthly or quarterly reports, we believe in total transparency and accountability. That's why we offer weekly reporting, allowing you an unprecedented view into the performance of your SEO campaign.


Our continuous analysis provides peace of mind, assuring you that your investment is generating measurable returns.

SEO Client Onboarding

Selective Client Onboarding

We don't take on every prospective client. Our mission is to work with clients who are an excellent fit for SEO—those we know we can achieve remarkable results for.


Our integrity and commitment to performance mean we only partner with businesses we genuinely believe will benefit from our expertise.and that will generate a positive ROI from our SEO services.

Proven Track Record At SEO

Comprehensive Services and Proven Track Record

We provide a full suite of cohesive SEO services, including keyword research, competitive analysis, technical audits, and content marketing. Our approach is holistic, ensuring that all aspects of your SEO—On-Page, Off-Page, and Technical—are seamlessly integrated.

This is backed by a proven track record of delivering measurable and sustainable results, using white-hat methods that are compliant with the latest Google guidelines.

Why Choose Marketix Digital for Your SEO?

When it comes to SEO, you deserve a partner as committed to your success as you are.  At Marketix Digital, we provide more than just SEO services; we offer peace of mind. Our team of dedicated specialists, led by a 20-year veteran in technical SEO, operates in a high-performance environment that’s focused solely on SEO.


Our selective client onboarding ensures that we only take on projects we know we can excel at. With unparalleled weekly reporting, we offer transparency that's second to none, making us accountable to you every step of the way. All of this is wrapped up in a comprehensive, tailored strategy that has a proven track record of delivering sustainable and remarkable results. Choose Marketix Digital, because when we commit to elevating your digital presence, we go all in.

Our Accolades & Awards

We've won a multitude of awards and received industry recognition.

Marketix Digital in the Clutch Leaders Quadrant

When you choose Marketix Digital, you're partnering with an industry leader recognised for excellence and innovation. Our consistent delivery of high-quality SEO services has not only resulted in successful client partnerships but also garnered us numerous accolades.


Here are some of the awards and recognitions we're particularly proud of:


Clutch Leaders Quadrant for SEO Service Providers Sydney 2023, MarketingMag Australia - Change Leaders Enterprise SEO 2023.

Manifest Global Awards B2B SEO Agency 2022, Media Innovator Awards 2022, Leading SEO Agency of the Year - Sydney 2022, Best SME Digital Marketing & SEO Agency - Sydney 2021, Finalist Local Business Awards 2022, Best SEO Agency - Australia Prestige Awards 2022.

Finalist Inner West Business Awards 2021, Best SEO Agency for eCommerce 2021, Marketing Management Service Provider of the Year 2021, Finalist Local Business Awards 2020.


These awards serve as a benchmark of our quality, innovation, and commitment to client success. With Marketix Digital, you're not just choosing an SEO service; you're choosing an award-winning partner committed to propelling your business to new heights.

Check our Recent Projects and Case Studies

Our Case Studies

From ranking clients #1 in competitive markets to substantial increases in organic traffic and conversions, our case studies exemplify the tangible impact of our data-driven SEO approach and proven SEO methodologies that drive consistent results for our clients, time and time again.


We're proud of our wins!

Companies that Grow with Us

Some of Our SEO Agency Clients

Uno Home Loans - Dominating the Online Mortgage Broker Market

Vincent Turner

Marketix Digital partnered with Uno Home Loans, a leading online mortgage broker in Australia, to revitalise their SEO strategy and regain their dominance in the competitive online mortgage broker market.


This case study highlights the successful collaboration between Marketix Digital and Uno Home Loans, showcasing the strategies implemented to achieve top rankings for relevant keywords and drive business growth.

Results Achieved with SEO and SEM:


 Achieved the #1 ranking for the highly competitive keyword "online mortgage broker" in Australia.


 Significantly improved search engine rankings for relevant keywords, enhancing Uno Home Loans' online visibility and market share.


 Strengthened the website's technical architecture, on-page structure, and content quality, improving user experience and search engine friendliness.


 Implemented a successful content strategy, enhancing content relevance and establishing Uno Home Loans' expertise in the mortgage industry.

 What Our SEO Clients Are Saying About Our SEO Services

Our SEO Services Testimonials

SEO Testimonial From Uno Home Loans

Vincent Turner, CEO - UNO Home Loans

Ranks #1 for Online Mortgage Broker in Australia


"We’re now executing on an SEO strategy to increase our presence in the competitive online mortgage broker market.


We now rank #1 for this highly competitive keyword in Australia."

SEO Testimonial from Circles Life Australia Telco

Brandon Patrao, Digital Marketing Manager - Circles.Life

Beating Telstra and Optus within the Mobile Sim Card category


"Within 6 months we are ranking #1 for a number of our core offers, beating other major players in Australia like Telstra and Optus.


We are tracking to increase our online sales significantly whilst reducing our reliance on PPC spend."

SEO Testimonial from Women's Fashion Boutique/eCommerce Store

Vanesssa Harvey - We Are Roar

Ranking #1 for multiple high-end designer women's brands in Australia


"Marketix has increased our sales from online marketing by 513% compared to the same period last year."


"We are now ranking on the top of Page 1 for a number of key brands and designers that we carry, which is continuing to help us increase our sales and we anticipate this will grow further in the future."

 Weekly SEO Reporting With Total Visibility


Get an up-to-date-weekly view of our entire SEO Agency reporting on a clean, easy to understand visual report. You can view your keywords & ranking improvements, conversions tracked, new traffic gained, and track the performance of our SEO Agency campaign with full visibility. Sort your keywords by name, ranking, location, or stage with custom filters for actionable intelligence in a fraction of the time.


Get Started

SEO Agency Sydney - Reporting
Drive SEO Conversions

Drive Conversions and Calls Across Your Website


Marketix's SEO Agency services include Conversion Optimisation as standard, we track customer interactions automatically across our analytics platforms – whether they’re from organic traffic, paid media, an email, across social media, or on a call. We capture every call, enquiry, email, or meeting as it happens.


Get Started

Transform Your Business and Become A Market Leader

Go way beyond the scope of regular Search Engine Optimisation.

Every SEO activity we take is designed to improve how you rank, increase your traffic and increase the conversions that you will get from your website with the aim of making your business into a market leader.

You’ll never need to dig through a messy inbox or spreadsheet to figure out what's going on.

Get Started

Market Leading SEO Services Sydney
SEO Services Sydney

No uneccessary long-term Lock-In Contracts


No more expensive, difficult, and clunky contracts that commit you to a service that you're not happy with. Act now to get started month-to-month, with the most impressive and powerful SEO Services that you’ve ever seen. There's no contract, credit card, or hefty commitment required.


We can also offer your SEO campaign setup with 6 months minimum commitment, so there's absolutely no risk to you.


Just get a proposal from us today, and let's get started.


Get Started

SEO Services That You Can Trust


We understand that trust is an important factor for our clients when it comes to SEO services.


We believe that our proven track record of delivering results and achieving top positions in search rankings speaks for itself.


We would be happy to address any concerns or questions you may have about our services and help you gain confidence in our ability to meet your SEO needs.


Contact Us Today To Find Out More

SEO Services You Can Trust

Check your Business performance now!

Want to discover your full potential?

Send us a request and get an Expert SEO agency consultation and SEO proposal!

Grow your Business Today

An SEO Agency to Drive Results with Your Business Growth in Mind

Are you looking for an SEO agency that knows how to deliver results in Australia?


Want to dominate your industry? Want to improve your rankings? Want to drive traffic to your website? Our Australia SEO experts and specialists are here to help!


We know how hard it is to run a successful business, and that's why we guarantee that we will Get you New Leads, Boost your Sales, Bring you new Customers, and Help You to Grow your Business with Marketix's SEO services in Australia.


Our team of SEO professionals and experts, develop and implement an individual plan for local Australian search engine optimisation, campaign management and web presence promotion - tailored specifically to your business within a fully managed fixed cost packaged bundle.


Which means, you're not left with any nasty surprises, we will charge you a fixed monthly fee which will remain the same, for the term of your service agreement with us, Marketix - an Australian SEO Agency and Google Partner


We're proven, we're reliable, we're experts at what we do, we're a proven digital marketing and SEO agency in Australia, and we are here to help Australian Businesses like yours, grow.


Marketix was awarded as Best SEO Agency Australia in the Australia Prestige Awards 2022.


Many of our customers fully outsource their Digital Marketing requirements to Marketix, because they know we can deliver on what we say will do.


So what are you waiting for?


Get in touch today for your free proposal!

Scientifically-Proven SEO Strategy 100%
Technical SEO Optimisation 100%
On-Page SEO Optimisation 100%
Off Page SEO Optimisation 100%
Weekly SEO Analytics and Reporting 100%

Our SEO Services Pricing

Our Proven, Scientifically-Tested, Fully-Managed, Search Engine Optimisation services start at just $3,000 per month. 


Contact us today for a detailed proposal.

Local SEO

Local SEO Strategy

Grow Your Business Locally

Consumer + Keyword research

Competitive Research Audit

Basic Website Audit

On-Page SEO


Technical SEO

Fix Recommendations

Weekly Reporting

Localised Keywords

Local Account Management

National SEO

National SEO Strategy

Grow Your Business Nationally

Consumer + Keyword research

Competitive Research Audit

Standard Website Audit

On-Page SEO


Technical SEO

Fix Recommendations

Weekly Reporting

National Keywords

Standard Account Management

Enterprise SEO

Enterprise SEO Strategy

Scale Your Enterprise with SEO

Consumer + Keyword research

Competitive Research Audit

Enterprise Web Presence Audit

On-Page SEO


Technical SEO

Fix Recommendations

Weekly Reporting

Advanced Keywords

Premium Account Management

eCommerce SEO

eCommerce SEO Strategy

Scale Your eCommerce with SEO

Consumer + Keyword research

Competitive Research Audit

Enterprise Web Presence Audit

On-Page SEO


Technical SEO

Fix Recommendations

Weekly Reporting

Advanced Keywords

Account Management

 Frequently Asked SEO Agency Questions:

What is SEO?

Why is SEO so important?

How does SEO work?

What is the difference between SEO and Google Ads?

How much do your SEO service cost?

Are you the cheapest SEO Agency?

What are the different types of SEO services that you provide?

Why is Marketix Digital the best SEO agency in Sydney?

Why is your link building better?

Why should we pick you?

Do you provide any kind of guarantee?

How long does the optimisation process take?

What type of businesses is SEO suited to?

Can SEO generate leads and sales?

How do I know if SEO is working or not?

Should I do SEO in-house or outsource to an SEO agency?

What is domain authority?

What is topical authority?

What is a content cluster?

What is a Google algorithm update?

Can you help businesses recover from Google penalties?

What recent results have you gained with SEO?

Who We Are

About Marketix Digital

Marketix Digital

Marketix Digital is a premier Sydney-based SEO agency that specialises in customised solutions for businesses in Australia.

Our team of experts provides enterprise SEO, national SEO, local, eCommerce, and technical SEO services to improve your website's search engine ranking and online visibility.

We conduct a thorough SEO analysis of your website and develop a custom SEO strategy tailored to your specific needs and goals.

What People Say

Our SEO Services Client Reviews

What are the Top 3 reasons you need an SEO Agency in Sydney?

Boosting website traffic:


One of the most significant problems that SEO solves is increasing a business's website traffic. By optimising the website for search engines, businesses can improve their visibility in search results and attract more organic traffic to their website.


Improving conversion rates:


SEO can also help businesses improve their conversion rates. By targeting the right keywords and optimising their website's user experience, businesses can attract high-quality traffic that is more likely to convert into paying customers.


Building brand credibility:


A strong SEO strategy can also help businesses build brand credibility and authority in their industry. By consistently producing high-quality content and optimizing their website for search engines, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders and attract more loyal customers.

Ready to Grow Your SEO? Let's Talk
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Marketix is a Sydney SEO Agency and Google Ads Partner Management Agency that will get you more leads, bring you new customers and grow your business.

   Sydney, Australia

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