9 Quick SEO Wins You Can Do In 2024

Quick SEO Wins


SEO is getting tougher by the day, isn't it? With over a decade in the game, we know it all too well.


But guess what? Despite the increasing difficulty, we've managed to keep our clients' websites consistently performing well. How? Stick around, and I'll let you in on some of our secrets.


Are Quick Wins in SEO Real?


Yes, we know, SEO takes time – but did you know there are still some quick wins to be had?


Let’s start by defining what we mean by "wins" in SEO. Essentially, these are improvements in your website’s rankings, traffic, and conversions that you can achieve with relatively simple actions. They’re the clever tweaks and adjustments that give you a noticeable boost without the endless wait.


Now, I get it – SEO often feels like a marathon, not a sprint. But imagine finding a few easy-to-implement strategies that can give your site a nice little push forward. Sounds good, right? These quick wins are perfect for when you need to see some progress and don’t have months to wait for results. They’re not magic bullets, but they can certainly make a big difference.


So, let’s jump in and explore these quick SEO wins that can work wonders for your website in 2024. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, these tips are designed to help you get the most out of your SEO efforts without feeling overwhelmed. Ready? Let's go!


Quick SEO Wins Tips


The strategies below are ordered by priority, from highest to lowest, so you know exactly where to start for maximum impact.


1. Improve Internal Linking to the Most Important Pages


One of the quickest ways to give your site a ranking boost is by improving internal linking to your most important pages, such as your commercial pages. Think about it – you’ve got all these pages on your site, and they can work together to lift each other up in the rankings.


So, how do you do it? Start with your menu, category, and footer links. Make sure they’re pointing to your top commercial pages with relevant anchor text.


But don’t stop there. Look at your existing blogs and informational pages. Are there any that mention keywords or topics related to your commercial pages? If so, add links there too.


Let me tell you a real-world example from our experience at Marketix Digital.


We regularly check up on the ranking performance of all the websites we handle. Recently, we were working on a client’s site, trying to rank a specific keyword.


Despite having a good backlink profile and great content, the rankings were stagnant. So, we ran an internal link and anchor text audit.


Turns out, there was a cannibalisation issue.


In case you don't know, anchor text cannibalisation happens when multiple pages on your website use the same anchor text to link to different pages. What happens is that Google gets confused about which page to prioritise for that keyword, leading to lower rankings for all those pages instead of boosting one effectively.


We fixed this by consolidating and updating the internal links, making sure that they pointed to the correct pages with the right anchor text.


And guess what? Within two weeks, the rankings shot up. It was like magic, but really, it was just a strategic adjustment.


Rank Goes Up after fixing the internal linking issue


This goes to show how powerful the right internal linking strategy can be.


2. Update and Upgrade Old Content


Next on the list is updating and upgrading old content. Now, I know it might seem tedious, but trust me, it’s worth it.


Google loves fresh content, but that doesn’t mean you have to churn out new articles all the time. Sometimes, giving your old content a facelift can do wonders.


First, check Google Search Console for content that’s declining in value or never gained traction. Once you have your list, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.


One of our recent successes involved a website that had some old, underperforming content. The impressions were down, and clicks were unstable. So, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work. We updated the information and added new insights.


It may not seem like much, but considering this was just one page and that it happened within two months, the results are impressive.


Google Search Console Screenshot of one of the website currently optimising


So, if you’ve got old content gathering dust, don’t let it go to waste. Give it a new lease of life, and you’ll be surprised at the results.


3. Fixing SEO Technical Issues


Alright, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of fixing SEO technical issues.


Sometimes, everything looks good on the surface – your content is top-notch, you’ve got a solid backlink profile, and your on-page SEO is spot on. But still, the rankings just won’t budge. When that happens, it’s time to dive into the technical side of things.


Technical SEO is like the engine of your website. If it’s not running smoothly, all the great content in the world won’t help you rank.


At Marketix Digital, we use our comprehensive C.R.I.C.S framework to get to the bottom of technical issues. It stands for Crawl, Render, Index, Cache, and Serve – all important aspects of how Google interacts with your site.


You can check out more about our C.R.I.C.S framework here.


If you’re unsure about where to start, here’s a simple process:


Start by going to Google Search Console. This is your best friend for identifying technical issues that Google pick up. After all, ranking in Google is our priority, right?


Once you’re logged in, head over to the ‘Coverage’ report to see if there are any errors that need addressing. Some issues found on in Google Search Console are:


  • Not found (404)
  • Alternative page with proper canonical tag
  • Page with redirect
  • Duplicate without user-selected canonical
  • Blocked due to unauthorised request (401)
  • Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag
  • Server error (5xx)
  • Blocked due to other 4xx issue
  • Blocked by robots.txt
  • Crawled - currently not indexed


You need to find out what’s causing them and why they are showing up in Google Search Console.


Check each URL that is experiencing an issue. You can do that by inspecting it inside Google Search Console, then clicking the “TEST LIVE URL”


Google Inspection Tool


Alternatively, you can use third-party tools like Screaming Frog and Ahrefs. Both tools are fantastic for crawling your site and identifying technical issues, giving you a comprehensive overview of your site’s health, similar to what search engines see.


So, if you’ve tried everything and your rankings are still stuck, it’s worth taking a deep dive into the technical aspects of your site. A few technical fixes can go a long way in boosting your SEO performance.


4. Reclaim Lost Links


Let’s talk about reclaiming lost links – an often overlooked but incredibly effective SEO tactic. Broken backlinks are links from other sites pointing to pages on your site that no longer exist. These can be a goldmine for quick SEO wins.


Imagine this: you’ve worked hard to build a strong backlink profile, but over time, some of those links break due to changes on your site, like URL updates or content removals. When these links break, you lose out on valuable link juice that could be boosting your rankings.


Reclaiming these lost links involves finding and fixing broken backlinks. It’s a bit like spring cleaning – you’re tidying up and making sure everything’s in its right place. Tools like Ahrefs can help you identify broken backlinks pointing to your site.


AHREFs Broken Backlinks Report


Once you’ve found them, you have a couple of options.


First, you can create a 301 redirect from the broken URL to a relevant page on your site. This way, anyone clicking the old link still ends up somewhere useful, and you don’t lose the link equity.


Alternatively, if the content that was originally linked is still relevant, you can recreate that content and put it back up. This can sometimes be even more effective, as it restores the exact content that other sites deemed valuable enough to link to in the first place.


Don’t let those broken links sit there and gather dust. Reclaiming them is a quick and effective way to boost your SEO without having to build new links from scratch. It’s like finding hidden treasure in your existing backlink profile!


5. Long-tail Keywords


Let’s talk about long-tail keywords – those longer, more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they’re closer to making a purchase or finding the information they need. While short, high-traffic keywords are great, they’re often super competitive. Long-tail keywords, on the other hand, might not bring in as much traffic individually, but they’re easier to rank for and often attract more qualified visitors.


Take a look at this screenshot from Ahrefs.


Long Tail Keywords


You’ll notice that the short keyword has a ton of traffic, but it’s tough to rank for because of the high keyword difficulty. On the other hand, the longer keywords might not get as many searches, but they’re much easier to rank for since they have a lower keyword difficulty. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where you can compete and still draw in the right audience. 


Think of it like this: If you’re running an online store that sells shoes, targeting the keyword “shoes” might seem ideal, but you’ll be up against some massive competition. Instead, targeting something more specific like “women’s red running shoes size 7” might have fewer searches, but the people searching for it are much closer to making a purchase.


At Marketix Digital, we’ve seen the power of long-tail keywords firsthand.


By shifting our focus to long-tail keywords that were still relevant to their products, we managed to drive more targeted traffic to their site. This not only improved their rankings but also increased their conversion rates because the visitors were more likely to find exactly what they were looking for.


6. Featured Snippets


Featured snippets are the crown jewels of search results. They’re those little boxes that appear at the top of Google’s search results, providing a quick answer to a user’s query. Landing a featured snippet can drive a ton of traffic to your site, as it puts your content front and centre.


Marketix seen in a Featured Snippet


To snag a featured snippet, you need to structure your content in a way that Google finds easy to read and understand.


Here’s how to optimise your content for featured snippets:


  • Answer common questions clearly and concisely.
  • Use headings to organise your content.
  • Include bullet points to make your content easy to scan.
  • Provide lists or quick summaries at the top of your posts.


Another key tip is to look at the “People also ask” section in Google search results. This can give you ideas for questions that you can answer in your content.


We’ve had great success with featured snippets, not just for Marketix Digital but also for our clients. 


7. Title Tags


Let’s talk title tags. While they might not be the biggest ranking factor, they still play an important role in SEO, especially when it comes to click-through rates (CTR).


Imagine you’re already in the second position. That’s great, but what if you could make your link more appealing than the one in the first position? That’s where a good title tag comes into play.


A well-crafted title tag can entice users to click on your link over others, even if you’re not in the top position.


When crafting your title tags, aim to make them more engaging. Always use the “Ask Yourself” method: What would I like to see if I were searching for something?


Title Tag


Improving title tags might be just a simple change, but it can have a big impact.


8. User Experience


Let’s talk about user experience (UX). It’s more than just a buzzword – it’s now a critical ranking factor for Google. Back in 2022, Google implemented the Page Experience update, making UX an integral part of their ranking algorithm. You can check out the official announcement here.


So, what does this mean for you? Well, it’s time to make sure your website isn’t just functional but also delightful to use. Good UX can keep visitors on your site longer, reduce bounce rates, and ultimately improve your search rankings.


Since good UX will keep visitors on the page longer, it increases the chances of conversion – a big win for your business.


Remember, a great user experience doesn’t just keep your visitors happy – it keeps Google happy too.


9. Get A Google Business Profile


If you’re running a local business and you don’t have a Google Business Profile yet, you’re missing out on a fantastic opportunity.


Google Business Profile


Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) is a free tool that helps businesses manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. Setting one up can significantly improve your local SEO.


Here’s why it’s so important:


  • Local Search Visibility: When people search for businesses like yours in your area, a Google Business Profile can help you show up in local search results, especially in the coveted “Local Pack” – those top three business listings you often see at the top of Google’s search results.
  • Customer Engagement: Your profile allows customers to find your business address, phone number, hours of operation, and even read reviews. It’s an excellent way for potential customers to get to know your business and decide if they want to visit or contact you.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Positive reviews can boost your reputation and help you stand out from the competition. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on your profile to enhance your credibility.
  • Insights and Analytics: Google provides insights into how customers are interacting with your profile, including how they found you and what actions they took. This information can help you understand your audience better and tailor your marketing efforts.


Setting up your Google Business Profile is straightforward. Just go to the Google Business Profile website, sign in with your Google account, and follow the steps to verify your business. Once your profile is set up, keep it updated and engage with your customers to maximise its benefits.


Want to Experience Real SEO Results?


Not just quick wins, but sustained success in SEO is what we're all about at Marketix Digital.


We are the #1 SEO Agency in Sydney, dedicated to helping businesses like yours. Our proven strategies and expert team will make sure that your website not only climbs the rankings but stays at the top.


Get in touch with Marketix Digital today!