International SEO: How to Optimise Your Website for Other Countries

International SEO

This guide will clearly explain International SEO. We'll cover how to set up your website for visitors from other countries, how to adjust your content for different cultures, and make sure your site works well on mobile phones everywhere. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to make your website perform better for international SEO.


What is International SEO?


International SEO is about adjusting your website to cater to users from different countries to improve its rankings in those different countries. This means more than just translating your content; it’s about making sure it fits with the local cultures and search habits. 


For example, a fashion retailer expanding from Australia to France would not only translate their site into French but also adapt its fashion content to reflect local French styles and trends. This process involves configuring your website so that search engines in each region can easily find and present it to the right audience. 


By doing so, you can attract more customers, improve user experience for people from various regions, and stand out against competitors. Although adapting your website for different international markets, each with their unique online practices and trends, can be complex, it’s an important step for businesses aiming to grow their presence on a global scale.

Why Optimise for Global Reach?


Optimising your website for international audiences means that more people, from various parts of the world, can discover and interact with your business.


When your website caters to people from different countries, it opens up opportunities to attract a diverse range of customers. This can be as simple as a fashion brand in Brisbane making its website user-friendly for customers in Japan or Germany, thereby expanding its market far beyond Australia.


By making your website appealing to people in different countries, you're essentially opening the door to more sales opportunities. A UK-based service provider, for example, could see a rise in clients by tailoring its website to meet the needs of customers in the USA or France.


A website that's optimised for international users helps in building your brand globally. It’s about showing that your brand understands and respects different cultures, which can make your business more attractive to people worldwide.


In a global market, if you’re not reaching out to international customers, your competitors will. By optimising for a global audience, you make sure that your business remains competitive and relevant.


Lastly, an international audience gives you access to different perspectives and feedback. This can be invaluable for tailoring your products or services to meet the needs of customers in various regions, helping your business to grow and evolve.

Understanding Global Market Needs

Understanding Global Market Needs


Expanding your business to different countries means understanding what customers in these places want and how they use the internet. This section is all about getting to grips with these international market needs. 


We'll show you how to look into popular search trends and appreciate the cultural details that matter to people in various regions. By getting to know these requisites, you can make your website more appealing to audiences worldwide, helping your business grow in the global market.


Market Analysis for SEO


Conducting in-depth market research is important for understanding the unique needs and preferences of your international audience. This process involves several key steps:


1. Analysing Search Trends: Understanding what people in different regions are searching for online is important. For instance, an Australian fashion retailer looking to expand into the Japanese market should explore the trending fashion-related search terms in Japan. This might include local fashion brands, styles, or even specific fabric types popular in the Japanese market.


2. Identifying Popular Keywords: Keyword research should be region-specific. What's effective in one country might not resonate in another. For example, a Canadian software company expanding into the German market would need to identify the specific technology-related terms used in Germany. Tools like Google Trends can reveal the most searched-for software or tech terms unique to that area.


3. Studying Online Behaviour: Different cultures have distinct online usage patterns. A U.S.-based home decor businesses, for example, might find that their European audience prefers browsing on mobile devices late in the evening, which would influence both the mobile optimisation of their website and the timing of their online marketing campaigns.


4. Competitor Analysis: Examining how competitors in these regions are positioning themselves can offer insights. A British health supplement company entering the Brazilian market, for instance, should study how local competitors in Brazil market their products, the keywords they target, and how they structure their content to appeal to local consumers.


Cultural and Language Considerations


When you expand your business internationally, it's about more than just translating your website into different languages. It’s important to really understand and respect the different cultures of your global customers. This means adjusting not just the words on your website but also its style and images to be respectful and relatable to people from different cultures. 


For example, an Australian skincare brand moving into the Middle East might use images and language that suit the region's conservative culture, showing respect and understanding for local customs.


Adapting your content properly is key. This includes using the right language variations for different countries. For example, a UK educational website entering Latin America should use the types of Spanish spoken in each country to make sure everyone can understand it easily. 


It’s also important to follow local laws about online content, like a US company making sure it meets European privacy laws when expanding into Europe. Plus, your website should look and work in a way that fits with each culture. A European fashion brand entering India, for example, might make their website more colourful to appeal to Indian customers.


Lastly, listening to feedback from your international customers is really important. A Canadian furniture website expanding into Japan could use customer feedback to make sure their products and website meet the preferences and needs of Japanese customers. All these steps help make your international website not just accessible, but also engaging and respectful to a worldwide audience.

Website  Structure for International  Audiences

Website Structure for International Audiences


When expanding your business to reach customers across the world, how you set up your website is key. In this section, we'll explore the best ways to structure your website for different international audiences. It's not just about making your site look good; it's about choosing the right kind of web address (like or and organising your site's pages in a way that makes sense to people in different countries. 


This can help your website show up better in search engines and make it easier for international customers to find and use your site. Making smart choices in how you structure your website can be a big step in successfully growing your business globally.


Choosing the Right Domain Strategy


When you expand your business to new countries, choosing the right type of web address (or domain) is really important. This decision can affect how well your site shows up in search results and how people perceive your brand in different places. 


Country-specific domains, like for the UK or .de for Germany, are great for targeting those specific countries. They can help your site rank better in search results there and make users trust your site more. For instance, an Australian business starting up in Japan could use a .jp domain to show it’s focused on Japanese customers.


You can also use subdomains for international expansion, like having a for the UK part of your site. These are simpler to set up and are useful if your site has lots of different content for each region. However, they might not boost your local search rankings as much as country-specific domains would.


Another option is to use subdirectories, like This approach is cost-effective and keeps all your content under one main website. It might take a bit more work to get good search rankings for each region, but it's a practical choice for businesses that want one global site with separate sections for each country.


URL Structures for Global SEO


Your URL structure plays an important role in global SEO and user experience.


The structure of your website's URLs (web addresses) is very important for international SEO and making sure your site is user-friendly for people across the world. URLs should be clear and easy for your international audience to understand. For example, a Canadian company targeting the French market might have a URL like, using French to make it clearer for French users. 


Adding language indicators or country codes in your URLs, like for a British bookstore’s Spanish section, helps both people and search engines know which language you're using on that page. Keeping your URL structure similar across different regions is also important. It helps maintain your global brand and makes it easier for users from various countries to navigate your site and remember your web addresses.

Language Targeting and Content Localisation


Taking your business to a global audience means not just talking to them, but talking in a way that they understand and appreciate. This part of the guide explains how to make sure your website communicates effectively with international customers. We'll discuss using hreflang tags showing them which language your website should be displayed in for users from different countries. 


We'll also go through content localisation, which involves more than translating words. It's about changing your website’s images, prices, units of measure, and even the way you format dates to match what's familiar and appealing in each country. This helps make your website resonate more with a global audience, making it more inviting and relevant to people from all over the world.


Implementing Hreflang Tags


Hreflang tags play a key role in international SEO. They're a piece of code that tells search engines what language and regional version a specific page is targeting. This is especially important for businesses with content available in multiple languages or versions for different regions.


How Hreflang Tags Work: 


Using hreflang tags on your website is an important step in making sure search engines like Google show the right language version of your site to users in different countries. These tags act like signals, telling search engines which geographical or language audience each page is intended for. 


For example, if your business operates in both Australia and the UK, and you have separate web pages for each, adding hreflang tags helps Google know which page to display to people searching in Australia and which one to show to those in the UK. This ensures that users from different countries see the most relevant version of your site, improving their experience and your website's effectiveness.


Best Practices


When using hreflang tags on your website, it’s important to get them right to ensure they work effectively. Make sure each page has the correct hreflang tag that matches its language and country. For instance, if you have a page in French for Canadian users, the hreflang tag should accurately reflect this. Consistency is key – all pages should follow the same pattern for these tags. 


Also, if you add new content or create pages in new languages, remember to update your hreflang tags accordingly. This helps maintain the accuracy and effectiveness of your website in guiding search engines to display the right content to your international audience. Keeping on top of these details makes sure that users around the world see the most relevant version of your site.


Content Localisation Strategies


Content localisation is key when you're reaching out to customers in different countries. It’s not just about translating your website but also making sure it fits well with each country's culture. For example, if you're a fashion brand moving into a new market, you’d want to show styles and models that people in that country can relate to. It's all about making your brand feel right at home in each market.


It’s also important to get the practical details right, like showing prices in the local currency and using measurement units that people in that country understand. For instance, a furniture seller from Europe would use centimetres for measurements on their German website, but inches for the American market. This makes shopping easier and more comfortable for your customers.


Don’t forget the smaller details, too, like using the date formats that locals are used to and including their local holidays in your marketing. It shows you know and care about their culture.


Finally, respecting local laws, especially about online content, is equally significant. If you’re selling to European customers, for example, your website needs to follow EU privacy laws. This helps build trust and shows you’re a responsible and professional business.

SEO Strategies for Different Regions

SEO Strategies for Different Regions


When expanding your business globally, it’s important to understand that each region has its own way of using the internet. This section covers how to adjust your SEO approach to fit these regional differences. 


We'll talk about choosing the right keywords for each area, understanding which search engines are popular there, and making content that matches what people in those regions are interested in. By tailoring your SEO to different regions, you can make sure your business speaks effectively to customers around the world.


Geotargeting Techniques


When you're aiming to reach customers in different countries, it's important to tailor your SEO strategy to each specific region, a technique known as geotargeting. This involves using keywords that are popular locally to help your website show up in search results in those areas. For instance, a beauty brand might use the term “natural skincare” in Australia, but switch to “organic skincare” in the UK if that's what people there search for more. 


It's also important to know which search engines are most used in each region. For example, while Google is widely used in many countries, in China, Baidu is the top choice, and in Russia, it’s Yandex. Adapting your website for these different search engines can help you reach more people. 


Moreover, your content should match what people in each region are interested in. A company selling sports equipment might focus on cricket in India and football in Brazil, based on the popular sports in these countries. This approach helps make sure your website appeals to and engages your audience, wherever they are.


Regional Keyword Research


Conducting detailed keyword research for each region you target is an important step in making sure your content connects with local audiences effectively. It’s important to recognise that even when using the same language, preferred keywords can differ from one region to another. For instance, people in the US often search for “sneakers,” while in the UK, the term “trainers” is more commonly used. 


To get this right, using tools that provide insights on regional keyword trends is very helpful. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner allow you to see which keywords are popular in specific locations, offering a clear picture of local search trends. Additionally, keeping an eye on the keywords your competitors use in different regions can give you valuable insights into what’s successful in those markets. 


Along with this, it's important to make sure that your keywords are not only relevant but also culturally sensitive. For example, a travel company needs to choose terms that are well-received in each local market and avoid those that might be culturally inappropriate or insensitive. 


By focusing on these aspects, you can develop a keyword strategy that resonates well with each regional audience, helping to boost the relevance and reach of your content.

Building a Global Backlink Profile

Building a Global Backlink Profile


In expanding your business online globally, it’s important to have backlinks from websites around the world. Backlinks are links from other websites to yours, and they’re important for showing search engines that your website is valuable and relevant. This section covers the strategies for building a strong backlink profile across different countries and how to keep track of these links.


International Link Building


Gaining backlinks from various countries is key to enhancing your website’s visibility in those areas. By securing links from local websites, like those with a .au domain for Australia, you signal to search engines that your content is relevant to that region, improving your search rankings there. Additionally, building partnerships with local organisations and related businesses can be highly beneficial. 


For instance, an Australian-based health brand collaborating with Australian Wellness bloggers can acquire valuable backlinks from that region, further boosting their online presence. Actively participating in local online forums and social media groups is another effective way to secure these backlinks and strengthen your website's global reach. This approach not only helps in getting your website noticed in different countries but also builds a strong international online presence.


Analysing International Backlinks


It's important to regularly review where your backlinks are coming from to effectively manage your website's international reach. Tools like SEMrush are useful for this, as they can show you the geographic distribution of your backlinks, indicating which regions are well-targeted and which ones need more focus. 


Remember, the quality of backlinks is just as important as how many you have. High-quality links from well-respected websites in your target regions can significantly boost your SEO efforts. 


Also, it’s important to spot areas where you might need more backlinks. Once you identify these gaps, you can work on strategies like building new partnerships or creating content tailored for those specific regions. Keeping track of and improving your backlink profile in this way is a key part of a successful global SEO strategy.

Infographic - 5 Tips for Effective International SEO

Measuring and Analysing International SEO Success


When expanding your business to different countries, it's important to know how successful your SEO strategies are in each region. This section will guide you through the key steps to measure and analyse the effectiveness of your SEO efforts globally. 


We'll look at the key metrics you should track and the best tools to use for this purpose. Understanding these will help you fine-tune your approach, ensuring your website connects effectively with audiences in different parts of the world.


SEO Metrics for International Websites


Keeping track of certain metrics helps you see how effective your international SEO efforts are.


• International Organic Traffic: Look at how many visitors are coming to your site from each target country. For instance, if you’re focusing on the Italian market, seeing more visitors from Italy is a good sign.


• Conversion Rates by Country: Check how well your website is turning visitors into customers in each country. This tells you which regions are responding well and which might need a different approach.


• Performance of Localised Keywords: Monitor how well your keywords tailored for each country are doing in search rankings. If you're targeting Spain, for example, see how your Spanish keywords are ranking on local search engines.


Tools for Monitoring International SEO Performance


Using specific tools can give you a deeper understanding of your website's performance across the globe.


• Google Analytics: Google Analytics offers comprehensive data about your website's traffic. It shows where your visitors are coming from, how they interact with your site in different countries, and which regions are bringing in the most conversions. This information is significant for understanding the global impact of your SEO strategies.


• Google Search Console: Google Search Console is required for monitoring your website's performance in search results. It offers valuable insights into how your site appears in different regions, the search queries driving traffic, and the effectiveness of your international SEO efforts. This tool can help you pinpoint and resolve issues that may affect your global search visibility.


• SEMrush: SEMrush is a powerful tool for tracking your keywords' performance in different countries. It allows you to analyse your backlinks, compare your performance with local competitors, and understand what’s working in each specific market. This can help you tailor your SEO efforts to the nuances of each region.


• Ahrefs: Ahrefs provides detailed insights into your backlink profile and keyword rankings. It also helps you gauge the performance of your content in various regions. This tool is particularly useful for identifying new opportunities for SEO improvement and understanding how your content is resonating in different international markets.


Conclusion and Next Steps


We've taken a thorough look at how to get your website ready for audiences in different countries. From getting to grips with what people need in various global markets to applying targeted strategies for each region, we've covered the conditions you need to know for international SEO success.


International SEO is always changing, with new trends and methods coming up all the time. It’s important to stay up-to-date and keep improving your strategies. Remember, achieving success in international SEO is a long-term process, not just a one-time effort.


So why not take the next step? Put these strategies into action, keep exploring new ideas, and visit our blog for more advice and tips. Together, let's navigate the global market and help your business reach new heights. 


Looking to excel in international SEO? Marketix Digital, a leading SEO agency based in Sydney, is here to elevate your global online presence. Our expertise and proven strategies make us the perfect partner to help you navigate the complexities of international SEO. With Marketix Digital, you gain access to a team dedicated to ensuring your website stands out in the global marketplace.

Don't let the challenges of international SEO hold you back. Partner with Marketix Digital and experience the difference of working with Sydney's best. Visit our website or contact us today to start your journey towards unparalleled international SEO success.